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In a scientific context, the concept of ethics deal with the moral principles by which a person conducts an activity or scientific experiment.


The following activities utilizes the Australian Curriculum's 'General Capabilities' criteria by addressing ethical capacity aims in order to develop the following understandings and skills within students so that they are able to:


• Analyse and evaluate ethical issues, and recognise areas of contestability

• Identify the bases of ethical principles and ethical reasoning

• Engage with the challenges of managing ethical decision making and action for individuals and groups

• Cultivate open-mindedness and reasonableness.

To learn more about Ethics:



Furthermore, the activities also engage the Australian Curriculum's 'General Capabilities' of Critical and Creative thinking by prompting students to reflect on ethical issues through a framework of Dr. Edward De Bono's 'Six Thinking Hats.' In this manner, students are able to learn to clarify concepts and ideas, seek possibilities of alternative solutions to scientific issues, and evaluate the knowledge at hand.


This video may be used as a teaching resource in the classroom to introduce students to the concept of ethics in nanomedicine.


The following video introduces ideas of:

The ethical concerns of manipulating manner at the atomic level

What 'ethics' is

How scientists encounter ethical dilemmas during research

The moral responsibilities that come with the discovery of new technologies



Classroom Activities


Part 1 of the worksheet involves a student lead self directed research activity on real world applications of ethics in science. Part 2 of the worksheet involves the application of ethics in nanotechnology using Dr. De Bono's 6 thinking hats to promote lateral thinking.




.DOC (Word 97-2004)


Ethics in Nanomedicine 

An advanced level student research activity on the benefits and challenges in nanomedicine.




.DOC (Word 97-2004)



Nanomedicine is the application of nanotechnology to medicine in order to develop new methods of preventing and treating diseases in humans.


This website is created with the aim of educating students in lower secondary years about nanotechnology and its applications in the medicine field.

© 2018 by Iroshi R. and Lyle A.
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