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Nanomedicine in the Future

Some exciting discoveries have been made through nanotechnology. As a result of the research being done in the nanomedicine field, treating major illnesses such as cancer, heart and brain diseases might be possible in the near future.  These treatments could significantly improve the health and wellbeing of the human population but they may come with some unforeseen consequences in the future.


End of Topic Assessment

Selling Science, Nanoscience

The following activity is a case based scenario of being a prominent scientist in the nanotechnology field. Your job is to sell nanotechnology and its applications to an investor to receive funding to continue your research.




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Nanomedicine is the application of nanotechnology to medicine in order to develop new methods of preventing and treating diseases in humans.


This website is created with the aim of educating students in lower secondary years about nanotechnology and its applications in the medicine field.

© 2018 by Iroshi R. and Lyle A.
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